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This example assumes your QUOTAGUARDSTATIC_URL environment variable is set and contains your unique connection string.
urllib2 is a basic library used for HTTP communication in Python and uses environment variables to set a proxy service.
In your application initialization you should set the http_proxy variable to match the QUOTAGUARDSTATIC_URL.
Assign QuotaGuard to your environment’s http_proxy variable:
os.environ['http_proxy'] = os.environ['QUOTAGUARDSTATIC_URL']
To test in the Python interpreter:
import urllib2, os
os.environ['http_proxy'] = os.environ['QUOTAGUARDSTATIC_URL']
url = 'http://ip.jsontest.com/'
proxy = urllib2.ProxyHandler()
opener = urllib2.build_opener(proxy)
in_ = opener.open(url)
res = in_.read()
print res